About US

Our ethos

We are Bolder Visual. we offer video production from the initial concept all the way through to having a crisp high-end product that you can upload to any platform.

In a world full of smartphones and on-demand content, we're sure that you already know how effective having great visual content is at getting your message out there. Showing your personality, capturing your audience's attention and making your point. You've probably seen hundreds of videos that you like and have a pretty good Idea of what content you want to create but even if it's even just a tiny idea, Bolder Visual are here to help.

Let's face it, there are lots of boring videos out there, and unfortunately, in such a saturated market it is imperative, to both you and us that your video stands out!
Well, that's what we do, our ethos is to breathe life in to video, to tell the story that need to be told, in the most vibrant way to create an emotion that has an impact with your audience.

How we do this?

Our team are creative professionals with a range of backgrounds in Video, Photography, Journalism, Sound and Entertainment. We're also pretty geeky when it comes to technology, which is a huge assets when it comes to creating crisp high-end visuals.

What we can do for you

Understanding the target market is key, what makes them tick and what are the current trends that will make you stand out.
At Bolder Visual, we work closely with our clients, doing the research behind the video, from current trends to its placement online or even TV.
This future-proofing puts you ahead of the game and more importantly, it keeps you current in the ever changing landscape that is film and visuals.

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